Monday, 31 October 2016

October Reflection

After struggling this month to reach deadlines due to my impending coursework in other subjects, I am moderately happy with my progress on getting myself up to date and managing my time appropriately.

I still have an incomplete post and several that need updating and improving, therefore, I will be making another incompletion to-do list.

Nevertheless, I am considerably happy with how I am managing my time and workload despite the stress and panic.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Inspirational Texts

In order to explore the type of texts I am going to be creating, I thought I would research into them on the internet and find several from each that I enjoyed looking at. These texts inspired me and gave me ideas which I found I could emulate within my own products.

Inspirational Texts from Olivia Wallace

Looking at professional products gave me a more developed idea of how these texts appear in the media industry and using inspiration from these will hopefully improve my basis knowledge on each text and allow me to create my own professional and realistic product.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Magazine Deconstruction: Contents

Made with Padlet

October Update

Due to my September plan proving successful in keeping myself up to date, I decided to use the same lesson time technique within my October Plan. I am currently half way into this plan and am struggling to keep fully up to date with this month.

Besides my A Level Media Studies course, I also study two other A Levels. Both of these other subjects require 20% coursework each, which I am currently completing. Completing coursework in 3 different A Levels at one time is proving considerably difficult and is causing me to fall behind in my plan. 

I am currently quite worried about this, however I am doing my best to use my spare time wisely and try to split it evenly so that I can complete all of my coursework areas to the best standard and in a good amount of time. Fortunately, the half-term holidays are also approaching, so I have a week to use my free time and hopefully work on getting my media coursework up to date. 

Saturday, 1 October 2016

October Plan

This month I have decided to centralise my posts around my lesson time, as I feel that this means I can spend my lessons focused on one particular post and any free time ensuring everything is updated and to the best standard. This month majorly involved deconstructing products in order to gain a better insight to what I like/dislike and would like to include in a product. Therefore, this month's post are very analysis and text heavy. To break up this amount of text I plan on using a variety of media in order to prevent the text from appearing dull or boring, and to make my blog media rich.

September Incompletion To-Do List

  • Make National VS Regional Magazine post more tailored to regional to support research of this area
  • Create one more audience profile and comment on why you have made them
  • Complete billboard inspirations within Inspirational Texts post
  • Complete survey to decide on Colour Scheme