Friday, 14 October 2016

October Update

Due to my September plan proving successful in keeping myself up to date, I decided to use the same lesson time technique within my October Plan. I am currently half way into this plan and am struggling to keep fully up to date with this month.

Besides my A Level Media Studies course, I also study two other A Levels. Both of these other subjects require 20% coursework each, which I am currently completing. Completing coursework in 3 different A Levels at one time is proving considerably difficult and is causing me to fall behind in my plan. 

I am currently quite worried about this, however I am doing my best to use my spare time wisely and try to split it evenly so that I can complete all of my coursework areas to the best standard and in a good amount of time. Fortunately, the half-term holidays are also approaching, so I have a week to use my free time and hopefully work on getting my media coursework up to date. 

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