Friday 27 January 2017

First Draft Feedback

To gain feedback on my first drafts, I printed out my products and handed them into my media lecturer. From here, he analysed my products and talked through his comments with me, suggesting improvements and what he found effective. From this, I will make changes in order to improve the design of my magazine in order to make it more professional. 

Front Cover Improvements:
  • Make change to the cover lines, in order to make them stand out further, rather than just sit as blocks of text
  • Spelling errors
  • Cause the model to stand out more, as she currently appears to fade into the background on the left arm

Contents Page Improvements:
  • Change prominent colours to suit colour scheme more, for example, 'Contents'
  • Potentially highlight stories that are on the cover 

Double Page Spread Improvements:
  • Use more conventions, for example, a drop letter or kicker of text
  • Spelling errors
  • Photo credit?

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