Friday, 2 September 2016

Choosing a Font

As my product features a main theme of art, I want the font of my magazine to be considerably artsy and eye-catching in order to grab the audience's best interest. I used to research potential fonts for my magazine. I then placed my chosen masthead into the font and screengrabbed the font sample. From here, I placed my more favourable fonts together. Consequently allowing me to compare and contrast the fonts closely, whilst also allowing me to present it to other people, predominantly my target audience. This allowed me to gain an insight on what my audience would like, tailoring my magazine towards them, and ergo, increasing the likability that my magazine will be successful.

These are the fonts I selected:

I created a group chat including a random selection of various members of my primary audience, to create a sample opinion from those at whom I am targeting my magazine. Below I will paste an example of several of the responses I received:


From here, I decided to design a graph displaying the results of my feedback, creating visual aid on how my audience would prefer my font to appear.

It is substantially evident that the more popular fonts are fonts 3, 4 and predominantly, 6. Font 6, also known as Chapaza, was seen as the majorly popular font, gaining the most votes from my target audience. Through the use of the modern and popular platform, Facebook, I have been able to contact a sample of my target audience through social media. Therefore, convincing my to use the font that my audience selected.

Conclusively, Chapaza, will be my chosen masthead font.

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