Monday, 21 November 2016

Magazine Flat Plans

Front Cover:

Colour Usage: Within my front cover, I will be following the colour scheme that I have chosen after careful consideration and help from my target audience. The use of neutrals and red, allow for both a subtle theme as well as a pop of colour throughout. The masthead will maintain a continuous colour and will be quite a prominent lead to the magazine. The use of the masthead as a logo will always use the same colour due to its recognisable feel and brand identity. The cover lines will also exercise this theme of colour in order to link in with the masthead and create a continuous feel and house theme. The image itself will maintain a neutral theme, however within the make-up of the model, a more dramatic feel will be evident. I feel that this will draw attention to the make-up and communicate to the audience what my magazine cover in terms of genre.

Image Usage: From my target audience research, I gathered that my audience would prefer a cover that maintained one image only. I also believed that this would be a good idea and was glad that my target audience interviewee preferred this factor within a magazine. My main image will take up the whole of the front cover with no blank spaces, as this will leave the cover looking sparse and dull, I will not be using more than one image to prevent crowding and to fit my target audience. This image will be my main model who will also be the featured model that will be used in my double page spread. There will be no props included within my image, due to a use of props causing a crowding feel. The camera will be at eye level with the model in order for the audience to feel at level with the model. This portrays a feeling of equality and suggests that my magazine is breaking the barrier between gender stereotypes as well as the barrier between people who are deemed as good and bad with make-up.

Text Usage: For use of text within my magazine cover, I have decided on obvious aspects of text such as the name of the magazine in the masthead and cover lines down the left and right third of the page. Cover lines will feature am omniscient narrative. Within the cover lines, I will be printing some of the more important words in a separate, more eye-catching font, in order to draw the readers attention to the important and exciting words. The main cover line will be focused on the main artist that has designed the model's make up on the front cover. The masthead will also be a use of text within the cover, being one of the key points of the magazine due to it informing the audience of what magazine this is. The masthead will also be used as the logo for the magazine, creating a recognizability surrounding the magazine.

Layout and Font: Within the font element of my final product, I will be using professional and understandable fonts that aren't gender specific. I believe non-gender specific fonts will fit better with my target audience. I, however, am considering using a completely different font for some of the more interesting words of the cover lines, in order to create a diverse feel and to make them stand out. This immediately highlights the key focal points within the text. The layout itself creates a professional style and assists readership within the way it doesn't appear sparse, whereas in is not too crowded. This means it is enjoyable to look at, whilst also being inviting, meaning the audience will happily be able to read the cover lines, which will hopefully strike their best interest, therefore encouraging them to read the magazine.


Colour Usage: Within the colour of the contents page, I will continue with my chosen colour scheme to create a consistent and professional feel. I will also ensure that the images I used will be colourful, however I also want them to fit in with my colour scheme, therefore I will be choosing images with both neutral and red colours.

Image Usage: The main and largest image that will be featured on this page will be an image from the main article in order to give a short insight into the article itself. Other larger images I am going to use will include those of other articles in the magazine, in order to give a sneak preview, and also pushing the reader towards those pages, that I will have selected as the best pages of the magazine ('putting the best foot forward', striking best interest). I am also considering adding a small caption at the bottom right of the images in order to inform the audience of what page the image has been taken from. I believe that will provide a brief insight into these specific pages and will allow the audience to decide what articles they'd like to read, encouraging them to read the magazine. I have also chosen to place an image of the from the cover itself into the contents page. I believe this adds a personal feel and also makes the reader feel familiar with the magazine, providing a more comfortable feel, whilst creating a close bond with the audience. I also believe that if my magazine was a realistic, monthly magazine, this would create a regular feel due to the front cover being printed on the contents page of each issue. It would also create a consistent portrayal of the magazine itself. Another example of the images would be using the logos from several social media sites in order to create a social platform for my magazine and creating an environment that cognacs the readers to my magazine. It also makes it easy for the audience to receive more frequent updates due to the magazine being issued monthly, whilst also making it available for the audience to opt for notifications to their phones/emails etc. These logos may include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. I have taken this idea from other popular magazines. Alongside this image, I will also be placing the credits from the front cover in terms of image etc.

Text Usage: Within the text element of my contents page, the page will feature a large title/headline in order to inform the audience of what page they are viewing. The title will also employ the name of the issue (e.g. November 2016) so that the readers are aware of which issue they are in possession of. The contents articles will feature a title, a page number and a small insight as to what is in the article. In the bottom right corner, I will place social media links, email and website links to create an online platform and life for the magazine, allowing my audience to reach my magazine on the internet, where they are constantly discussing topics of make up.

Layout and Font: Like my front cover, I will be using professional and understandable fonts that aren't gender specific. however, in terms of layout, I would like to fit a considerable amount into my contents page, without it looking too crowded. Therefore, my articles in the contents will be fairly spaced out. I want the images to have a scrapbook-like effect to create a personal aspect, therefore I have placed them together in the centre as if to overlap each other.

Double Page Spread:

Colour Usage: Within the colour of the double page spread, I will continue with my chosen colour scheme to create a consistent and professional feel.

Image Usage: As there is only one image in the double page spread, it will cover the majority of the spread, or more specifically one full page, as preferred by my target audience. I will use the contact sheet tool on photoshop to decide between the image. The image will be of my model, as I want her to appear, fierce, bold, strong and classy, so to fit with the make up look and its connotation. I will also be using some sub-images of the make up brand that the article uses. This creates a familiarity and visual image surrounding some of the products used which will be beneficial to the audience if they would like to view/purchase the products.

Text Usage: The text is the main aspect of the double page spread, and will be used to print the whole article, as well as the title of the article. I will also be using text in the article and photo credits, page number/logo and issue as an informative element to the pages.

Layout and Font: The article text will maintain a traditional column layout. I believe this looks very classy and is visually pleasing, as well as easy to navigate. The image to text ratio is around 50/50, with the image covering one page like the target audience prefer. The font will be easy to read within the actual article, however the drop letter and numbers within the article will be considerably larger. The title of the article will also be in a decorative font, connoting ideas about the decorative area of the make up look.

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